Alt +Tab behaviour in Gnome

For anyone using GNOME v3, here's what I have done.

I am using vanilla GNOME 3 on Ubuntu 18.04 (that is installing the base version of GNOME not the Ubuntu modified version). I think vanilla GNOME is the same as what RHEL uses too - at least that's what Fedora uses, so the following should work across those systems.

GNOME has two concepts for tabbing - tabbing between applications (the default) and tabbing between windows. Tabbing between applications groups the windows for that application together. I prefer (or at least I am more used to) tabbing between windows (and combined with Alt+Shift+Tab to go backwards).

In GNOME 3 at least this can now be fixed by just configuring the keyboard shortcuts.

  1. Go to the regular Settings > Devices > Keyboard > Navigation section.
  2. Disable both 'Switch applications' and 'Switch windows'
  3. Now neither Alt+Tab nor Super+Tab should work. Possibly do a log out/restart in between (I can't remember)
  4. Re-enable 'Switch windows' to be Alt+Tab.

I found that if both 'Switch applications' and 'Switch windows' were enabled then somehow Alt+Tab would still end up switching applications. This at least should be a solid method for guaranteeing that the Alt+Tab works as expected. You can then experiment setting 'Switch applications to Super+Tab.

This is what my keyboard shortcut settings looks like, note the 'Switch applications' at the top and 'Switch windows' at the bottom:

enter image description here

Sounds like something potentially with your keyboard or your installation. I use both of the following in Gnome:

  • Alt+Tab to cycle from left to right
  • Alt+Shift+Tab to cycle from right to left

This article is Ubuntu specific but should be applicable to your situation on RHEL6 non the less.


Double check that the preferences are set so that moving right to left is configured correctly for the key combo mentioned above:

   ss of gconf-editor