Why using more threads makes it slower than using less threads

"Why does this happen?" is kind of easy to answer. Imagine you have a corridor that you can fit four people down, side by side. You want to move all the rubbish at one end, to the other end. The most efficient number of people is 4.

If you have 1-3 people then you're missing out on using some corridor space. If you have 5 or more people, then at least one of those people is basically stuck queueing behind another person all the time. Adding more and more people just clogs up the corridor, it doesn't speed up the acivity.

So you want to have as many people as you can fit in without causing any queueing. Why you have queueing (or bottlenecks) depends on the questions in slm's answer.

This is a complicated question you're asking. Without knowing more about the nature of your threads it's difficult to say. Some things to consider when diagnosing system performance:

Is the process/thread

  • CPU bound (needs lots of CPU resources)
  • Memory bound (needs lots of RAM resources)
  • I/O bound (Network and/or hard drive resources)

All of these three resources are finite and any one can limit the performance of a system. You need to look at which (might be 2 or 3 together) your particular situation is consuming.

You can use ntop and iostat, and vmstat to diagnose what's going on.

A common recommendation is n+1 threads, n being the number of CPU cores available. That way n threads can work the CPU while 1 thread is waiting for disk I/O. Having fewer threads would not fully utilize the CPU resource (at some point there will always be I/O to wait for), having more threads would cause threads fighting over the CPU resource.

Threads come not free, but with overhead like context switches, and - if data has to be exchanged between threads which is usually the case - various locking mechanisms. This is only worth the cost when you actually have more dedicated CPU cores to run code on. On a single core CPU, a single process (no separate threads) is usually faster than any threading done. Threads do not magically make your CPU go any faster, it just means extra work.