All non-ordered pairs between the elements of an array

Haskell, 29 bytes

f(a:b)=map((,)a)b++f b
f _=[]

Try it online! Example usage: f ["a","b","c"] yields [("a","b"),("a","c"),("b","c")].

With the flag -XTupleSections this can be shortened to 27 bytes, however the flag would need to be counted:

f(a:b)=map(a,)b++f b
f _=[]

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Mathematica, 14 bytes



[{"a", "b", "c"}]

Haskell, 25 bytes

f l=[(x,y)|x<-l,y<-l,x<y]

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Outer (x) and inner (y) loop through the input list and keep the pair (x,y) only if x < y.