How to create enums using pgAdmin?

Creating ENUM using pgadmin:

Schema -> Create... -> Type... -> Definition -> Type = Enumeration

enter image description here

Changing column type to enum using SQL:

ALTER TABLE <table> ALTER column  TYPE <new_type> USING <column>::<new_type>

For pgAdmin 1.22 and above, the path is

    File > Options > Display_Database_objects

scroll down to the bottom

Check or uncheck "Type"

I fired up a copy of pgadmin and noticed what you said, I couldn't see my 'types'. If you pull down the main menu and go to preferences, then scroll down until you see Type, then check the box and refresh you screen, then types become visible.

Just Create "type" in types option which is located in the schema section.While creating type just select enumeration type and fill your value in label

enter image description here