A workaround for the fact that a scheduled task in Windows requires a user to be logged in

This article shows how to create a task that does not require any login: https://www.scriptjunkie.us/2013/01/running-code-from-a-non-elevated-account-at-any-time/

The described procedure is as follows:

First, create a scheduled task to run your command with default options as the current user (this will by default create a scheduled task that only runs when you are logged in):

schtasks /create /tn mytask /SC HOURLY /TR "calc"

Then export the task as XML:

schtasks /query /XML /tn mytask > temp.xml

and delete the task:

schtasks /delete /tn mytask /f

Then open the xml file, and replace the line <LogonType>InteractiveToken</LogonType> with <LogonType>S4U</LogonType>

This can be done with the following commands assuming powershell is on the system: powershell -Command "Get-Content '.\temp.xml' | foreach {$_ -replace 'InteractiveToken', 'S4U' }" > new.xml move /y new.xml temp.xml

Now recreate the task from the modified XML file:

schtasks /create /xml temp.xml /tn mytasks

and remove your temp file:

del /f /q temp.xml

The GUI app needs a desktop and you only get one of those for a logged in user.

I might be late in replying, but can't we use at command, without /interactive...


As per microsoft: /interactive: Use this parameter to allow the task to interact with the desktop of the user who is logged on at the time the task runs.