Is it possible to place inequality constraints on haskell type variables?

From GHC 7.8.1. closed type families are available. The solution is much simpler with them:

data True
data False

type family TypeEqF a b where
  TypeEqF a a = True
  TypeEqF a b = False

type TypeNeq a b = TypeEqF a b ~ False

Now one can use == from Data.Type.Equality (or from singletons library) with DataKinds extension:

foo :: (a == b) ~ 'False => a -> b

First, keep in mind that distinct type variables are already non-unifiable within their scope--e.g., if you have \x y -> x, giving it the type signature a -> b -> c will produce an error about not being able to match rigid type variables. So this would only apply to anything calling the function, preventing it from using an otherwise simple polymorphic function in a way that would make two types equal. It would work something like this, I assume:

const' :: (a ~/~ b) => a -> b -> a
const' x _ = x

foo :: Bool
foo = const' True False -- this would be a type error

Personally I doubt this would really be useful--the independence of type variables already prevents generic functions from collapsing to something trivial, knowing two types are unequal doesn't actually let you do anything interesting (unlike equality, which lets you coerce between the two types), and such things being declarative rather than conditional means that you couldn't use it to distinguish between equal/unequal as part of some sort of specialization technique.

So, if you have some specific use in mind where you want this, I'd suggest trying a different approach.

On the other hand, if you just want to play with ridiculous type-hackery...

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}

-- The following code is my own hacked modifications to Oleg's original TypeEq. Note
-- that his TypeCast class is no longer needed, being basically equivalent to ~.

data Yes = Yes deriving (Show)
data No = No deriving (Show)

class (TypeEq x y No) => (:/~) x y
instance (TypeEq x y No) => (:/~) x y

class (TypeEq' () x y b) => TypeEq x y b where
    typeEq :: x -> y -> b
    maybeCast :: x -> Maybe y

instance (TypeEq' () x y b) => TypeEq x y b where
    typeEq x y = typeEq' () x y
    maybeCast x = maybeCast' () x

class TypeEq' q x y b | q x y -> b where
    typeEq' :: q -> x -> y -> b
    maybeCast' :: q -> x -> Maybe y

instance (b ~ Yes) => TypeEq' () x x b where
    typeEq' () _ _ = Yes
    maybeCast' _ x = Just x

instance (b ~ No) => TypeEq' q x y b where
    typeEq' _ _ _ = No
    maybeCast' _ _ = Nothing

const' :: (a :/~ b) => a -> b -> a
const' x _ = x

Well, that was incredibly silly. Works, though:

> const' True ()
> const' True False

    Couldn't match type `No' with `Yes'