A complex PieChart

The pie-chart you mentioned consist of two data series:

enter image description here

Image source

  1. extract inner circle values as List
tempa = Values /@ Normal @ Values @ dsPie[Transpose]
(*Out: {{0.188111, 0.0394984}, {0.495803, 0.0639874}, ...} *)
  1. Map Total on them to create outer circle:
b = Total /@ tempa
(*Out: {0.227609, 0.55979, 0.2126} *)
  1. Coloring inner circle pairs + flattening the array
a = Flatten[{Style[#[[1]], LightOrange], Style[#[[2]], LightBlue]} & /@ tempa];
  1. Define a function to do the labeling
labeler[v_, __] := Placed[{PercentForm[v, 3]}, {"RadialOuter"}]
  1. Draw chart
PieChart[{a, b}, SectorOrigin -> {Automatic, 1}, LabelingFunction -> labeler, ChartStyle -> {LightRed, LightPurple, LightGreen}]

enter image description here

Whole code:

dsPie = Dataset[<|
   "Existing Customer" -> <|3 -> 0.188111, "More3" -> 0.495803, 
     "Less2incl" -> 0.155426|>, 
   "Attrited Customer" -> <|3 -> 0.0394984, "More3" -> 0.0639874, 
     "Less2incl" -> 0.0571739|>|>]

tempa = Values /@ Normal@Values@dsPie[Transpose]

b = Total /@ tempa

a = Flatten[{Style[#[[1]], LightOrange], Style[#[[2]], LightBlue]} & /@ tempa];

labeler[v_, __] := Placed[{PercentForm[v, 3]}, {"RadialOuter"}]

PieChart[{a, b}, SectorOrigin -> {Automatic, 1}, LabelingFunction -> labeler, ChartStyle -> {LightRed, LightPurple, LightGreen}]

dsPie = Dataset[<|
    "Existing Customer" -> <|
      3 -> 0.188111,
      "More3" -> 0.495803,
      "Less2incl" -> 0.155426|>,
    "Attrited Customer" -> <|
      3 -> 0.0394984,
      "More3" -> 0.0639874,
      "Less2incl" -> 0.0571739|>|>];

dsPie[d |-> PieChart[d,
   ChartLabels -> {Style[#, 14, 
        Bold] & /@ {"Existing     \nCustomers", 
       "Attrited      \nCustomers"}, Automatic},
   ChartLayout -> "Grouped",
   SectorOrigin -> {{-3 Pi/4, "Clockwise"}, 1/4},
   ImageSize -> 400]]

enter image description here