Stop Canonical Ordering of Output List

alternatives = N19 | N560 | N41 | N61 | N551 | N20 | N539;

You can map Cases over the list of alternatives:

Join @@ Cases[{#, __}][m] & /@ (List @@ alternatives);

TableForm @ %

enter image description here

Alternatively, sort the output of Cases by the position in alternatives of the first column elements:

SortBy[PositionIndex[List @@ alternatives]@*First][Cases[m, {alternatives, __}]];

% // TableForm

enter image description here

The cases will be found in the order they occur in m. If each case is unique, as in the example, the following can be used:

 Cases[m, {N19 | N560 | N41 | N61 | N551 | N20 | N539, __}]
 ][[Ordering[N19 | N560 | N41 | N61 | N551 | N20 | N539]]]