ZSH wildcard expression limiting repetition support?

Yes, use ## to match one or more occurrence of [0-9] like:


This requires extendedglob to be set, which is by default. If unset, set it first:

setopt extendedglob


% print -l ABC*

% print -l ABC[0-9]##

With extendedglob enabled:

$ setopt extendedglob
$ print -rl -- perl[[:digit:]]##

or with kshglob enabled and bareglobqual disabled:

$ setopt kshglob
$ unsetopt bareglobqual
$ print -rl -- perl+([[:digit:]])

Note that using [:digit:] to match everything considered digit in current locale. If you want to match 0 through 9 only, set LC_ALL=C or using literally [0123456789].

You can specify number of match, like regular expression {n,m} using (#cN,M) globbing flag anywhere that # and ##operators can be used, except in (*/)# and (*/)##:

$ print -rl -- perl[[:digit:]](#c1)
$ print -rl -- perl[[:digit:]](#c2)
zsh: no matches found: perl[[:digit:]](#c2)

Scroll down to “Filename Generation”, and enable either extended_glob (which should be the default, but isn't for backward compatibility) or ksh_glob. Both zsh's extended globs and ksh's have the full power of regular expressions.

ERE syntax      ksh glob      zsh extended glob
(foo)*          *(foo)        (foo)#
(foo)+          +(foo)        (foo)##
(foo)?          ?(foo)        (|foo)
(foo|bar)       @(foo|bar)    (foo|bar)

Keep in mind that most tools that use regular expressions use them as search patterns that must match a substring, but globs are always used as patterns that must match the whole string. For example foofoobar does not match the zsh glob (foo)##, since after foofoo there's some text left over.

Zsh has additional operators that don't extend the expressive power but make some expressions easier to write. The operators ^ and ~ (extended_glob) and !(…) (ksh_glob) provide negation, e.g. ^foo or !(foo) matches anything except foo, which in regex syntax requires the unwieldy |[^f].*|f[^o].*|fo[^o].*. The operator <…-…> (zsh-specific, does not require extended_glob) matches any integer (in decimal notation) in a range, e.g. <3-11> matches 3 and 10 but not 30 or 1.

So, excluding issues like unprintable characters, ls | grep -e "ABC[0-9]\+" can be written in ways such as

print -lr -- *ABC[0-9]##*(N)      # requires extended_glob
print -lr -- *ABC+([0-9])*(N)      # requires ksh_glob
print -lr -- *ABC+<->(N)

But since “one or more digit then anything” is equivalent to “a digit then anything”, it can also be written

print -lr -- *ABC[0-9]*(N)