zsh completion installations (autojump) - How to use them?

Oh-my-ZSH config file should have a line starting with plugins=, like this:

plugins=(git gitignore autojump jira command-not-found zsh-syntax-highlighting)

Whatever you put there is considered by ZSH to be an active plugin.

In case of AutoJump, oh-my-ZSH Plugin Wiki states that:

Enables autojump if installed with homebrew, macports or debian/ubuntu package. This does not add any commands on its own.

Config file you are looking for: .zshrc


  1. Note that some folks claim FASD is better, if autojump won't work for you, you may try FASD instead.

  2. Thanks @Adaephon, added link to source of the quote and marked it's oh-my-zshell rather than pure ZSH.