zsh: command not found: mysql

You should try paste this line to your environment variables

export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/mysql/bin/

Then try restart your environment variables with the following command

source ~/.zshrc              #If you use Oh-My-Zsh

source ~/.bashrc             #If you use Default Bash

On the latest MacOS Catalina. I have tried to do above to solve this problem;

vi ~/.zshrc                                 // open the zsh config and edite
export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/mysql/bin/   // to add these words
source ~/.zshrc                            // make it work

Reopen a teminal and run mysql -u root -p,input the password then you can login your mysql;

On MacOs Catalina Open a terminal and run.

 sudo nano /etc/paths

Added to end of file


Save the changes and quit. Reloaded terminal. Open a new terminal and run.

 mysql -u root -p

Its works for me.!!