Zookeeper error: Cannot open channel to X at election address

I met the save question and solved it.

make sure the myid is the save with your configuration in the zoo.cfg.

please check your zoo.cfg file in your conf directory, which contains such content.


and check the myid in your server dataDir directory. For example:

let's say the dataDir defined on the zoo.cfg is '/home/admin/data'

then on zookeeper1, you must have a file named myid and have value 1 on this file ;on zookeeper2, you must have a file named myid and have value 2 on this file; on zookeeper3, you must have a file named myid and have value 3 on this file.

if not configured like this, the server will listen on a wrong ip:port.

How have defined the ip of the local server in each node? If you have given the public ip, then the listener would have failed to connect to the port. You must specify for the current node


This change must be performed at the other nodes too.