yum - list configure flags/options used to compile package

You'll have to grab the package's source RPM. For example, with apache httpd:

yumdownloader --source httpd

You can extract just the spec file from the source rpm with:

rpm2cpio httpd-version.src.rpm | cpio -i httpd.spec

Then, search for the %build section in the RPM spec file.

Sadly, CentOS doesn't appear to keep their spec files in any kind of public repository that I can find on their web site. You'll have to use the above steps to determine how the package is built.

edit: CentOS publishes their specs in Git, so my earlier answer isn’t true now. Here is the httpd spec file:


I think the place to look is the src package, at the spec file should be a section where the configure command is specified. But I don't know if you could do it without installing it.