xlwings function to find the last row with data

This is very much the same as crazymachu's answer, just wrapped up in a function. Since version 0.9.0 of xlwings you can do this:

import xlwings as xw

def lastRow(idx, workbook, col=1):
    """ Find the last row in the worksheet that contains data.

    idx: Specifies the worksheet to select. Starts counting from zero.

    workbook: Specifies the workbook

    col: The column in which to look for the last cell containing data.

    ws = workbook.sheets[idx]

    lwr_r_cell = ws.cells.last_cell      # lower right cell
    lwr_row = lwr_r_cell.row             # row of the lower right cell
    lwr_cell = ws.range((lwr_row, col))  # change to your specified column

    if lwr_cell.value is None:
        lwr_cell = lwr_cell.end('up')    # go up untill you hit a non-empty cell

    return lwr_cell.row

Intuitively, the function starts off by finding the most extreme lower-right cell in the workbook. It then moves across to your selected column and then up until it hits the first non-empty cell.

Consolidating the answers above, you can do it in one line:

wb.sheet.range(column + last cell value).Get End of section going up[non blank assuming the last cell is blank].row

Example code:

import xlwings as xw
from xlwings import Range, constants

wb = xw.Book(r'path.xlsx')
wb.sheets[0].range('A' + str(wb.sheets[0].cells.last_cell.row)).end('up').row