Xcode full stack trace

Use the bt command in (lldb).

Once paused or after a crash, just type bt into the debug console.
It will print the full stack trace.

sample output of bt command

In Xcode 5 you can move the slider at the bottom of the pane which shows the stack trace. It controls how much of the struck trace is shown.

Slider controlling the stack trace

In Xcode 6 you can click the button at the bottom left corner of the pane which shows the full stack trace. Xcode 6 show full stack trace

You can print the stack trace in the NSLog by

NSLog(@"Stack trace : %@",[NSThread callStackSymbols]);

Upon a crash, next to the word (lldb), you can type:

po [NSThread callStackSymbols]


For better output on console on Swift you can use following line instead:
