Xcode Error When Added AdMob Plugin To Ionic Project

Have had this problem for two days now. The problem seems that the xcode project's plist file is not getting the admob settings right. So had to add them manually like this:

Open the your-app-name-Info.plist file under "ionic-project-root/platforms/ios/your-app-name/" and add these lines:


Being ca-app-pub-XXXXXXX~YYYYYYY your ios app ID in admob. Now the error should go away.

enter image description here

There is a new procedure, you need to add GADIsAdManagerApp key for info.plist file with boolean YES value

For Ionic App with Admob plugin (I've tried just in Ioniv V3) you can add this in ./config.xml under platform ios to auto populate app-name-info.plist file at every build time.

<platform name="ios">
   <config-file parent="GADApplicationIdentifier" target="*-Info.plist">

   <config-file parent="GADIsAdManagerApp" target="*-Info.plist">
      <true />

   ... (other lines) ...


Run cordova prepare to regenerated the file (additionally delete ios platform and reinstall it using: ionic cordova platform rm ios , ionic cordova platform add ios).