Xcode duplicate/delete line

Delete a line like eclipse CTRL+D (tested on Xcode 4.5.1) :

First of all, change these rights :

sudo chmod 666 /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Frameworks/IDEKit.framework/Resources/IDETextKeyBindingSet.plist

sudo chmod 777 /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Frameworks/IDEKit.framework/Resources/

Open /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Frameworks/IDEKit.framework/Resources/IDETextKeyBindingSet.plist with Xcode himself and add this new entry :

deleteToBeginningOfLine:, moveToEndOfLine:, deleteToBeginningOfLine:, deleteBackward:, moveDown:, moveToBeginningOfLine:

enter image description here

Restart Xcode and open Xcode > Preferences > KeyBindings. Find your macro and define a shortkey :

enter image description here

The whole point is NOT to use the Cmd-C/Cmd-V shortcuts. I have the same issue coming from IntelliJ, and being able to just duplicate lines with Cmd-D and delete them with Cmd-Y is a big time saver.

It's been bugging me ever since. However, it looks like someone else has found a solution that works.

In short, create a file ~/Library/KeyBindings/PBKeyBinding.dict with the following content and restart Xcode.

    "^$K" = (

    "^$D" = (

This will create two shortcuts: Ctrl-Shift-K for deleting the current line and Ctrl-Shift-D for duplicating the current line. Please note that this will only work if you are NOT using a custom key binding set in Xcode. Switch to "XCode Default" and things should work. Tested on XCode 3.2 on Snow Leopard.

More information on Mac OS X key bindings: http://funkworks.blogspot.it/2013/03/republishing-of-wwwerasetotheleftcompos.html

To delete a line: Ctrl-A to go to the beginning of the line, then Ctrl-K to delete it, and another time Ctrl-K to remove the empty line. (I do not use Xcode very often, but I'm used to that in Emacs and other text inputs with Emacs-like bindings, and it seems to work in Xcode too.)

And to duplicate a line: I don't know of many programs that have a command for that, but usually I just use Copy+Paste - in Xcode it's CUA-like: Ctrl+A to go to the beginning of the line, Shift+ to select it, Command+C to copy and Command+*V to paste twice (once overriding the line and once appending to it).

(from a person that types and edits text all the time, so often in different programs, and occasionally gets pissed at having to distract himself with a dumb widget while making a little correction in a text input, that he just cannot avoid remembering these sequences and habits)