xcode device support for 11.3 15E5216a


For lazy guys like me

I don't like to download new version of xcode

And because storage of my macbook is just 120gb, I usually live with "Did Receive Memory Warning"

Here is all iOS Device Support: (I will update asap)

iOS 14

  1. 14.3 from Xcode 12.3 beta
  2. 14.3 from Xcode 12.3 Release_Candidate
  3. 14.2 from Xcode 12.3 beta
  4. 14.2 from Xcode 12.2 Release Candidate
  5. 14.1 from Xcode 12.1(12A7403)
  6. 14.0 from Xcode 12 GM seed

iOS 13

  1. 13.0 from xcode 11 beta

iOS 12

  1. 12.3 from xcode 11 beta
  2. 12.2 (16E5212e)
  3. 12.2 (16E5181e)
  4. 12.2 (16E226)
  5. 12.1 (16B92) This file may not work. Use 16B5059d instead
  6. 12.1 (16B91)
  7. 12.1 (16B5084a)
  8. 12.1 (16B5068g)
  9. 12.1 (16B5059d) For 16B92, please use this, xcode generates 16B92 folder
  10. 12.0 (16A5354b)
  11. 12.0 (16A5339e)
  12. 12.0 (16A5327d)
  13. 12.0 (16A5318d)
  14. 12.0 (16A5308d)
  15. 12.0 (16A5288q)
  16. 12.0 (16A366)

iOS 11

  1. 11.4 (15F79)
  2. 11.4 (15F5061c)
  3. 11.4
  4. 11.4 (15F5037c)
  5. 11.3
  6. 11.3 (15E5201e)
  7. 11.3 (15E5167d)
  8. 11.2
  9. ...

iOS 10

Need the old files, tell me if you want

Find DeviceSupport dir

Finder-> Cmd+Shift+G -> Paste ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport and enter

Error: Could not locate device support files How can fix this error?


------ Update 2018/08/17 -----

Thank iGhibli(https://github.com/iGhibli)

------ Update 2019/10/17 -----

I got new job, it's about Android. So I no longer use Xcode everyday like before.

If there's something new, please comment here, I will update my post asap


  1. Download 11.3 file for Xcode
  2. Find Xcode Application file in your mac, right-click to show contents
  3. Go to Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport, drag the file into it:

enter image description here

  1. reconnect your iPhone in Xcode - Window - Devices and Simulators, and you may need to restart your Xcode and iPhone


