Xcode 9 "no iTunes Connect account" error when uploading

I encountered the same issue with xCode 9 GM build and others reported it as well in xCode 10 and xCode 11. Deleting the derived data actually solved it for me. Hopefully it will help others as well.

  1. Close xCode
  2. rm -fr ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/
  3. Reopen xCode and try to upload again

I just had this happen to me and this was my solution.

  1. Full Quit out of xCode 9
  2. Reopen xCode
  3. Update to a new version number
  4. Archive again

Result: It worked

It's a pretty basic fix, but hopefully it will for you too.

The only solution I have found for now, is to generate IPA for AppStore and then upload it with Application Loader.

This seems to be issue with Xcode 9. Solution is to use Application Loader tool.

Step 1 : Create an IPA file

  1. Clean your project from Product -> Clean (cmd + shift + k )
  2. Select Product -> Archive


  3. Once archive is successfully completed it will open in Organizer window

  4. Press Export button present on right side


  1. Now select the distribution method as per your need and click on Next button


  1. This will show the App Store distribution options. Now click on Next button


  1. Re-sign your project (preferred is Automatically manage signing) and click on Next button


  1. There will be Review window containing IPA content details. Click on Export.


  1. Now choose the location where folder is to be saved and Click on Export.


  1. This will create an folder containing IPA, packaging.log, DistributionSummary.plist and ExportOptions.plist file


Step 2 : Upload IPA using Application Loader

  1. Right click on Xcode tool present on Slide-bar. Goto Open Developer Tool -> Application Loader


  1. This opens Application Loader. Press on Choose button and select IPA file.


  1. This will analyse IPA file and will show IPA details. You can press on Activity button to see list of activity performed while uploading app. Click on Next.


  1. This will create iTunes Connect API analysis file.


  1. Once it is successfully uploaded it will show Success. Now click on Next.


  1. You IPA file is submitted to AppStore successfully
