Xcode 8 - IB Designables - Failed to render and update auto layout status, The agent crashed

You can try one of the following to figure out the cause:

  1. look for the IBDesignablesAgentCocoaTouch logs in this directory: ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports and see the cause.

Note: for user with Catalina: look for IBDesignablesAgent-iOS_<DATE>-<MAC_NAME>.crash

  1. Go to the Editor -> Debug Selected View while selecting your @IBDesignable UIView in your storyboard, and see the stack trace.

  2. Delete Derive Data folder.

    Xcode Preference -> Location -> Derived Data
  3. Clean your project Shift + Command + Alt + K.

  4. Build your project Command + B.

I solved the problem by doing the following:

  1. Go to File > Workspace settings.
  2. Click the little right arrow beside "Derived data". This opens the Finder app at the location of the DerivedData folder.
  3. Go inside the DerivedData folder, and delete the folder corresponding to your project.
  4. Quit Xcode, and re-open it.
  5. Clean your project shiftcommandk.
  6. build your project commandb.
  7. Open your storyboard.
  8. Go to Editor > Refresh all views.


Sometimes just directly Go to Editor > Refresh all views worked. If Refresh all views is disabled, quit Xcode and try again.

I just delete the view that is failed and press command+Z to undo deletion. It works for me.

If editing the failed view later, the error may occur again, do the above again.