Xcode 7, UI-Testing: working with UITableView

I was having the same exact issue!

At first, I was just tapping on the cell's label, through the .staticTexts query. Here's another way that worked for me:

In cellForRowAtIndexPath, where you instantiate the cells, give them each a unique identifier, depending on their titleLabel or another property.


cell.accessibilityIdentifier = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"myCellType%@", cell.colorIdentifier];

Then, back in the test class, try this: (A little verbose on purpose, because it helped me understand better)

XCUIApplication *application = [XCUIApplication new];
XCUIElementQuery *tablesQuery = application.tables;
XCUIElementQuery *allCellsQuery = tablesQuery.cells;
XCUIElementQuery *specificCellQuery = [cellQuery matchingIdentifier:@"myCellTypeSaffron"];
XCUIElement *cell = specificCellQuery.element;

[cell tap];

The specific cell resolves when it's interacted with.

Hope that helps!

This worked for me:

XCUIElementQuery *tablesQuery = self.app.tables;

XCUIElementQuery *cellQuery = [tablesQuery.cells containingType:XCUIElementTypeStaticText

XCUIElementQuery* cell = [cellQuery childrenMatchingType:XCUIElementTypeStaticText];

XCUIElement* cellElement = cell.element;

[cellElement tap];

For scrolling the table use:

XCUIElementQuery *tablesQuery = self.app.tables;
XCUIElement* table = tablesQuery.element;
[table swipeUp];

I recently came across a similar problem. An option you can try is to look for a specific title for a cell in the table, and tap on that,

for example:-




Where "identifier" is the title of the cell you are trying to tap.

I hope this helps!