Xcode 10, not building pods can't build project

This is the problem of your previous cache store in the derived data folder.

Go to the DerivedData folder. Close XCode. Delete your apps from DerivedData folder. Reopen XCode, clean project and run again.

XCode preference > Locations > Derived Data (click right side icon in the directory path, it will open DerivedData folder)

Select your pod from the left project navigator. > Select Target. > Select "Build Settings". > Build Active Architecture Only to No

Here is another case: make sure "Scheme" > "Build" > "Find Implicit Dependencies" is turned on.

I turned it off (tried to fix another problem) and spent quite some time trying to fix the build.

In my case

pod deintegrate
pod clean
pod install

then rebuild the project works.

My XCode = 11.3.1