Xbox One controller will not turn Xbox on

I think it has to do with you using a surge protector / power strip. I contacted Xbox support and the first thing they had me do was make sure the Xbox was plugged directly into the wall. This seems to have fixed my issue. A quick Google search "Xbox One surge protector" will show other people having issues with Instant On if it's plugged into a surge protector. The issue stems from a "cheap" surge protector--as when the Xbox is "off" when Instant On is enabled, the Xbox goes into a low power state--and the surge protector views this as "off" so then the Xbox has difficulty waking back up. I don't have the luxury of being able to plug my Xbox directly into the wall (my setup won't allow it)--so I've ordered 4 different surge protectors from Amazon and I can update you on which one works--if any.