xargs - append each argument with a parameter

One way to do it:

echo "a b c" | xargs printf -- '-f %s\n' | xargs mycommand

This assumes a, b, and c don't contain blanks, newlines, quotes or backslashes. :)

With GNU findutil you can handle the general case, but it's slightly more complicated:

echo -n "a|b|c" | tr \| \\0 | xargs -0 printf -- '-f\0%s\0' | xargs -0 mycommand

You can replace the | separator with some other character, that doesn't appear in a, b, or c.

Edit: As @MichaelMol notes, with a very long list of arguments there is a risk of overflowing the maximum length of arguments that can be passed to mycommand. When that happens, the last xargs will split the list and run another copy of mycommand, and there is a risk of it leaving an unterminated -f. If you worry about that situation you could replace the last xargs -0 above by something like this:

... | xargs -x -0 mycommand

This won't solve the problem, but it would abort running mycommand when the list of arguments gets too long.

A better way to address it (IMO) would be:

  • in zsh:

    l=(a b c)
    mycommand -f$^l

    or using array zipping so the argument be not attached to the option:

    l=(a b c) o=(-f)
    mycommand "${o:^^l}"

    That way, it still works if the l array contains empty elements or elements containing spaces or any other problematic character for xargs. Example:

    $ l=(a '' '"' 'x y' c) o=(-f)
    $ printf '<%s>\n' "${o:^^l}"
    <x y>
  • in rc:

    l=(a b c)
    mycommand -f$l
  • in fish:

    set l a b c
    mycommand -f$l

(AFAIK, rc and fish have no array zipping)

With old-style Bourne-like shells like bash, you could always do (still allowing any character in the elements of the $@ array):

set -- a b c
for i do set -- "$@" -f "$i"; shift; done
mycommand "$@"

The simplest way to prefix arguments is via printf in conjunction with the command substitution:

l="a b c"

mycommand $(printf ' -f %s' $l)

Alternatively, the command substitution $() can be rewritten by piping to xargs:

printf ' -f %s' $l | xargs mycommand

The command substitution allows to control location of the dynamic arguments in the argument list. For instance, you can prepend, append, or even place the arguments anywhere in between any other fixed arguments to be passed to mycommand.

The xargs approach works best to append arguments to the end, but it requires a more obscure syntax to handle different placement of dynamic arguments among fixed ones.