Xamarin - No resource found that match

Visual Studio 2017:

Go to Tools > Options > Xamarin > Android Settings:

Checked the Checkbox Auto Install Android SDKs then click OK button

Closed Visual Studio and open again

Xamarin is great - but that issues are annoying. Please try this:

First solution: - Remove and install again the following library Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.AppCompat

Second solution:

  • Close VS
  • Delete all bin & obj folders in all projects
  • Delete everything in packages folder
  • Delete everything in C:\Users[username]\AppData\Local\Xamarin (Except for mono & android)
  • Open the solutin and rebuild. It should download again all the required libraries.

Hope it helps.

i had this issue when i copied the project to another directory

i resolved it by deleting the .vs folder and project.sln.dotsettings.user file and deleted obj and bin folder in .android folder.

Ok, got it after many tries, so what to do:

Visual Studio:

  1. Go to Tools > Options > Xamarin > Android Settings : Change to JDK 1.8 (instead of 1.7) !
  2. Close VS

Changing to JDK 1.8 will permanently avoid the error Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

Windows (Local):

  1. Delete all Xamarin.Android.* folders in C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\Xamarin
  2. Delete the zips folder in the same location

Windows (in my project folder):

  1. Delete .vs folder
  2. Delete all Xamarin.Android.* folders in packages folder
  3. Delete /obj and /bin folder in the .Droid project

Reopen Visual Studio and rebuild your solution.

On first compile, be patient! Zips are downloaded again in Xamarin/zips and extracted (take at least 5 minutes on my computer).

Wait ... Wait ...

And it's okay, solution is deployed on my smartphone and everything works fine. Thanks to all.

Hope it will help someone else!