X applications warn "Couldn't connect to accessibility bus:" on stderr

Unfortunately, GTK libraries (used in particular by GNOME) tend to emit a lot of scary-looking messages. Sometimes these messages indicate potential bugs, sometimes they're totally spurious, and it's impossible to tell which is which without delving deep into the code. As an end user, you can't do anything about it. You can report those as bugs (even if the program otherwise behaves correctly, emitting spurious error messages is a bug), but when the program is basically working, these bugs are understandably treated as very low priority.

The accessibility warning is a known bug with an easy workaround if you don't use any accessibility feature:

export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1

In my experience, Gtk-CRITICAL bugs are completely spurious; while they do indicate a programming error somewhere, they shouldn't be reported to end-users, only to the developer who wrote the program (or the underlying library — often the developer of the program itself can't do anything about it because it's a bug in a library that's called by a library that's called by a library that's used in the program).

I found it somewhere but I forgot the link to it.

To fix it, run:

dbus-uuidgen > /var/lib/dbus/machine-id

If you don’t have dbus-uuidgen , it’s in the dbus package, which can be installed by issuing:

yum install dbus

DON'T change /var/lib/dbus/machine-id! First see if it is empty! Read the man page!

from: man dbus-uuidgen

If you try to change an existing machine-id on a running system, it will probably result in bad things happening. Don't try to change this file. Also, don't make it the same on two different systems; it needs to be different anytime there are two different kernels running

I got the

connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-oYuNBK96uX: Connection refused

error message, connecting from other computer with:

ssh -YC [email protected]

and running thunar and evince.

Also tried the same in the local system and no error was reported I also typed

cat /var/lib/dbus/machine-id

and it already has one uuid

What I think may be the cause of that error is that the xserver running in the machine used as terminal has a different uuid than the remote system.

I did not more experiments, because changing the machine-id during execution ends in some misbehavior, according to the man page quoted above.