Writing YAML VS using Visual Designer on Azure Devops

Now with the launch of Azure DevOps, the service really encourages using YAML. In fact, if you start a new project, those feature flags are turned on by default.

However, if you always used to do this through UI, or you're just completely new to Azure DevOps, it could be a bit confusing.

We do have a detail reference guide including a catalog of all supported YAML capabilities, and the available options-- YAML schema reference

There are truly some benefits for using YAML, it meant you could use the same branching and code review practices for your build definitions as you did for your code. And it's very useful for handling multiple build definitions.

You could also take a look at this helpful blog here:

  • Azure Pipelines YAML - uh, what do I type?
  • Azure Pipelines YAML #2  -  more ways to learn what YAML you need!