Writing JavaScript according to SOLID

JavaScript sometimes gets a bad rap as being sub-par to those such as C++, C#, and Java, when in fact it's a very powerful functional programming language that also has object oriented capabilities (although it's not really classified as object oriented)

Perhaps many developers look down on it because so many of them are used to seeing poor programming practices and consequently, buggy behavior in JavaScript. For some unknown reason, it seems more acceptable to be sloppy on the client side. This is something I would like to change.

I believe these SOLID principles are solid. (No pun intended). If you follow these conventions, you will be less likely to accumulate technical debt created by sloppy code, shortcuts, and no architecture. Your code will be more maintainable, more reusable, more modular, less tightly coupled, and scalable and extensible. You'll also be contributing to demonstrating the full power of JavaScript when your product is engineered instead of just recklessly slapped together.

This document describes the fundamentals of SOLID. The same rules apply whether you're referring to C++, Java, JavaScript, or any other object-oriented language.

Code Project - The SOLID Object Oriented Programming Principles

Here is some more information on JavaScript concepts on colourcoding.net.

It looks like Derek Greer is attempting to take a stab at this with his article series on SOLID JavaScript at Fresh Brewed Code:

  1. The Single Responsibility Principle
  2. The Open/Closed Principle
  3. The Liskov Substitution Principle
  4. The Interface Segregation Principle
  5. The Dependency Inversion Principle