Write GIT pre-commit hook in java?

The idea is to call a script which in turns call your java program (checking the format).

You can see here an example written in python, which calls java.

    # call checkstyle and print output
    print call(['java', '-jar', checkstyle, '-c', checkstyle_config, '-r', tempdir])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError, ex:
    print ex.output  # print checkstyle messages
    # remove temporary directory

This other example calls directly ant, in order to execute an ant script (which in turns call a Java JUnit test suite)


# Run the test suite.
# It will exit with 0 if it everything compiled and tested fine.
ant test
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  exit 0
  echo "Building your project or running the tests failed."
  echo "Aborting the commit. Run with --no-verify to ignore."
  exit 1

As of Java 11, you can now run un-compiled main class files using the java command.

$ java Hook.java

If you are using a Unix based operating system (MacOS or Linux for example), you can strip off the .java and add a shebang to the top line like so:

#!/your/path/to/bin/java --source 11
public class Hook {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("No committing please.");

then you can simply execute it the same way you would with any other script file.

$ ./Hook

If you rename the file pre-commit, and then move it into your .git/hooks directory, you now have a working Java Git Hook.

Note: You may be able to get this to work on Windows using Cygwin or Git Bash or similar terminal emulators. However, shebangs do not handle spaces well. I tested that this works by moving a copy of java into a directory without spaces and it works fine.