Write a binary integer or string to a file in python

Alright, after quite a bit more searching, I found an answer. I believe that the rest of you simply didn't understand (which was probably my fault, as I had to edit twice to make it clear). I found it here.

The answer was to split up each piece of data, convert them into a binary integer then put them in a binary array. After that, you can use the array's tofile() method to write to a file.

from array import *

bin_array = array('B')


with file('binary.mydata', 'wb') as f:

Brief example:

my_number = 1234
with open('myfile', 'wb') as file_handle:
    file_handle.write(struct.pack('i', my_number))
with open('myfile', 'rb') as file_handle:
    my_number_back = struct.unpack('i', file_handle.read())[0]

I want that pattern of ones and zeros to be written to a file.

If you mean you want to write a bitstream from a string to a file, you'll need something like this...

from cStringIO import StringIO

s = "001011010110000010010"
sio = StringIO(s)

f = open('outfile', 'wb')

while 1:
    # Grab the next 8 bits
    b = sio.read(8)

    # Bail if we hit EOF
    if not b:

    # If we got fewer than 8 bits, pad with zeroes on the right
    if len(b) < 8:
        b = b + '0' * (8 - len(b))

    # Convert to int
    i = int(b, 2)

    # Convert to char
    c = chr(i)

    # Write


...for which xxd -b outfile shows...

0000000: 00101101 01100000 10010000                             -`.

To write out a string you can use the file's .write method. To write an integer, you will need to use the struct module

import struct

with open('file.dat', 'wb') as f:
    if isinstance(value, int):
        f.write(struct.pack('i', value)) # write an int
    elif isinstance(value, str):
        f.write(value) # write a string
        raise TypeError('Can only write str or int')

However, the representation of int and string are different, you may with to use the bin function instead to turn it into a string of 0s and 1s

>>> bin(7)
>>> bin(7)[2:] #cut off the 0b

but maybe the best way to handle all these ints is to decide on a fixed width for the binary strings in the file and convert them like so:

>>> x = 7
>>> '{0:032b}'.format(x) #32 character wide binary number with '0' as filler