Would a capacitor labeled 470K be 47pf or 470pf

According to this site, 470k would be 47pF...

And you can see in the image below:

Small ceramic capacitor

471 -> 47 x 10 = 470pF

In general, on those small, rounded, ceramic capacitor, you don't have too much space to write. The brown color doesn't help, too, to use colors like resistors. And in general this size of capacitor will have a low value.

So, to me, it makes sense to write the value using just 3 numbers, and also it's ok that those values are expressed in pF...

For a lot of small capacitors, the letter at the end of the value simply denotes a tolerance. Sometimes, it's a single letter, and sometimes it's a string. Generally, I'd take a 470k cap to be 47 pF. You can read more at this link.

