WizardImageFile does not work in Inno Setup 5.5.8

Are you aware that the Welcome page is by default skipped since Inno Setup 5.5.7?

As recommended by Microsoft's desktop applications guideline, DisableWelcomePage now defaults to yes. ... The defaults in all previous versions were no.

So you can actually see the WizardImageFile on the last (Finished) page only, not on the first (Welcome) page already as previously.

I found this answer. It states:

The WizardImageFile is shown on the Welcome and Finish pages. However, the Welcome page is skipped by default now (see DisableWelcomePage), so it will normally only be visible on the Finished page. (This is enabled by default, but it is possible that you disabled that too -- see DisableFinishedPage.)

The WizardSmallImageFile is shown on all other pages.

That explains why I can’t see the images. Wonder by the Welcome Page is off by default?

I found this which states:

Don't use Welcome pages—make the first page functional whenever possible. Use an optional Getting Started page only when:

  • The wizard has prerequisites that are necessary to complete the wizard successfully.
  • Users may not understand the purpose of the wizard based on its first Choice page, and there isn't room for further explanation.
  • The main instruction for Getting Started pages is "Before you begin:".