Wiring top-level DAGs together

  • Can you give some more detail on what you mean by awaiting completion of the DAG before getting triggered? Would it be possible to just have the TriggerDagRunOperator be the last task in a DAG?

  • For creating DAGs similar DAGs, you can dynamically generate the DAGs from one Python file. You could do something like this:

from airflow import DAG

from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator

def create_dag(dag_id,

def hello_world_py(*args):
    print('Hello World')
    print('This is DAG: {}'.format(str(dag_number)))

dag = DAG(dag_id,

with dag:
    t1 = PythonOperator(

return dag

# build a dag for each number in range(10)
for n in range(1, 10):
dag_id = 'hello_world_{}'.format(str(n))

default_args = {'owner': 'airflow',
                'start_date': datetime(2018, 1, 1)

schedule = '@daily'

dag_number = n

globals()[dag_id] = create_dag(dag_id,

You can read more about that approach here. If most of you are producing DAGs are pretty similar, you might want to consider storing the config in an Airflow Variableenter link description here

You probably won't be able to overcome the prefix limitations of the SubDag Operator - I'd suggest removing SubDags from your workflows entirely and just have them run as separate DAGs - it'll make it much easier to go back and re-run older DagRuns if you ever find yourself having to do that.

Taking hints from @Viraj Parekh's answer, I was able to make TriggerDagRunOperator work in the intended fashion. I'm hereby posting my (partial) answer; will update as and when things become clear.

How to overcome limitation of parent_id prefix in dag_id of SubDags?

As told @Viraj, there's no straight way of achieving this. Extending SubDagOperator to remove this check might work but I decided to steer clear of it

How to force TriggerDagRunOperators to await completion of DAG?

  • Looking at the implementation, it becomes clear that the job of TriggerDagRunOperator is just to trigger external DAG; and that's about it. By default, it is not supposed to wait for completion of DAG. Therefore the behaviour I'm observing is understandable.

  • ExternalTaskSensor is the obvious way out. However while learning basics of Airflow I was relying on manual triggering of DAGs (schedule_interval=None). In such case, ExternalTaskSensor makes it difficult to accurately specify execution_date for the external task (who's completion is being awaited), failing which the sensor gets stuck.

  • So taking hint from implementation, I made minor adjustment to behaviour of ExternalTaskSensor by awaiting completion of all task_instances of concerned task having

    execution_date[external_task] >= execution_date[TriggerDagRunOperator] + execution_delta

    This achieves the desired result: external DAGs run one-after-other in sequence.

Is there a workaround for my approach of creating separate files (for DAGs that differ only in input) for each top-level DAG?

Again going by @Viraj this can be done by assigning DAGs to global scope using globals()[dag_id] = DAG(..)


Maybe I was referring to incorrect resource (the link above is already dead), but ExternalTaskSensor already includes the params execution_delta & execution_date_fn to easily restrict execution_date(s) for the task being sensed.

