Windows IME Chinese blocking shortcut for ctrl + space

It seems your Windows system works differently than mine (Win7-64). I don't believe I can use the Ctrl-Space combo, but I know how to change the setting:

Right click on the language symbol in the task bar

Select Settings from the pop-up menu, in the resulting dialog box pick the 3rd tab

Mathematica graphics

Select the action by clicking on a keyboard name, and pressing the "Change Key Sequence" button. You get either this

Mathematica graphics

or this

Mathematica graphics

dialog box where you can select the key sequence you want or deselect it, as it seems that that is what you want.

The MS interface for modifying the key strokes is buggy and does not correctly read and write the registry keys where the input method is held. Try removing the shortcut and press [Apply] to see this in action. The keyboard shortcuts CTRL+SPACE are only on the two Chinese languages by default. There are guides online for how to edit the registry keys directly to fix this specific issue. I guess it's a bonus feature!