Windows Forms RichTextBox cursor position

You can store the cursor position before making the change, and then restore it afterwards:

int i = richTextBox1.SelectionStart;
richTextBox1.Text += "foo";
richTextBox1.SelectionStart = i;

You might also want to do the same with SelectionLength if you don't want to remove the highlight. Note that this might cause strange behaviour if the inserted text is inside the selection. Then you will need to extend the selection to include the length of the inserted text.

Be careful, if someone refreshes or changes totally the RichTextBox content, the focus method must be invoqued previously in order to move the caret:

int i = richTextBox1.SelectionStart;
richTextBox1.Text = strPreviousBuffer;
richTextBox1.SelectionStart = i;

here's a smaller one, that has the same effect. this.richTextBox1.Select(this.richTextBox1.Text.Length, 0); That marks 0 chars at the end of the text and sets the cursor to end