Windows: Copy and Rename a file in a single step? Shortcut?

 ; Press F1 in Explorer to copy and manually rename the copy of the selected file
 ; - If the size of the selected is less 50 MB, directly in the explorer
 ; - otherwise using an input box (because the copying process takes more time) 

#If WinActive("ahk_class CabinetWClass")

    ClipSaved := ClipboardAll 
    clipboard := "" 
    Send, ^c 
    ClipWait, 2
    if (!ErrorLevel)
        SplitPath, clipboard,, dir, ext, NameNoExt
        If (ext = "")
            MsgBox, No file selected
            clipboard := ClipSaved
        FileGetSize, size, %clipboard%, M
        If (size < 50)
            Sleep, 100
            Send, ^v
            Sleep, 500
            ; Send, {F2} ; or
            SendInput, {F2}%NameNoExt% ; if you want to remove " - Copy"
           InputBox, UserInput, Filename, Enter a name for the file,, 350, 120,,,,, %NameNoExt%
            if (!ErrorLevel)    
                FileCopy, %clipboard%, %dir%\%UserInput%.%ext%, 1  
        MsgBox, No file selected
    Sleep, 300
    clipboard := ClipSaved
