Windows- Can't start Git: Probably the path to Git executable is not valid

finally I got it. the location of git.exe is changed from C:\Users\Cloudion\AppData\Local\GitHub\PortableGit_d93ee8917cfa9add886773e6be9ec08609a502b6\bin\git.exe



You need to set your Path to git executable to the folder where the git is installed on your system. Something like C:\Users\ProgramFiles.... enter image description here The current path if you can see is not a good place to be. And every time you type a line of code Aandroi Studio seeks for the Git executable to trace the changes in the repo.

After installing GitHubDesktop:, depending on your version, the location looks like:


In the Android Studio event console you can click on +Fix it+ link, right after Can't start Git: git.exe Probably the path to Git executable is not valid. message. This brings you to the setting window to enter the full path to the git.exe