Windows Batch file launch a gui with buttons

You can dynamically set the number of the buttons with radioButtons.bat

@echo off

::call radioButtons.bat "one" "two" "three"
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%# in ('
  radioButtons.bat "one" "two" "three"
') do (
  set "selected=%%#"
echo selected button number: %selected%

You may do that in a relatively simple way via a Batch-HTA hybrid file; this is an example:

<!-- :: Batch section
@echo off

echo Select an option:
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('mshta.exe "%~F0"') do set "HTAreply=%%a"
echo End of HTA window, reply: "%HTAreply%"
goto :EOF


<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">

function closeHTA(reply){
   var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");

   <button onclick="closeHTA(1);">First option</button>
   <button onclick="closeHTA(2);">Second option</button>
   <button onclick="closeHTA(3);">Third option</button>

Save this code in a file with .BAT extension. Perhaps you would need to adjust the values in window.resizeTo(374,100); line in order to match the resolution of your screen. This example is simple enough so you may understand it even if you know nothing about .HTA files. For further details and links on this matter, see this post.