Windows 10 full screen mode to work like OS X

There is a tool that will do pretty much exactly what you want. You need to first install AutoHotkeys macro key tool. It is highly recommended and allows you to automate a lot of stuff on Windows. Works well with Windows 10.

The second thing is an AHK script and DLL created by Jari Pennanen. It is available on his Github repo:VirtualDesktopAccessor

You just need to change the script to use the Control keys you want for switching desktops. I did so by adding the following to the this script:


So that changes to desktop 1-4 by using Ctrl-1 through Ctrl-4. It also assigns Ctrl-Left and Ctrl-Right [arrows] to move back and forth through the desktops.

This assumes you have just four desktops assigned, my preferred setup.