Windows 10: Change shortcut keys to switch between desktops

AutoHotkey is a great program for doing this exact type of thing. It is an very useful program for remapping keyboard keys, letting you set up hotkeys, and automating tasks. Here are the steps to set this up:

  1. Download AutoHotkey ( and install it.
  2. Right-click on your desktop > New > Autohotkey Script (name it whatever you want).
  3. Right-click, Edit Script.
  4. Paste the following text under the already-present text:

#NoTrayIcon ^Right::^#Right ^Left::^#Left

  1. Save and run the script to test its functionality.
  2. If it performs as expected, copy the script into the startup folder* so that it will run every time your computer starts.

Optionally, you can compile the script to run as a standalone .exe that can be run on other computers that don't have AutoHotkey installed. To do this, right-click the script file, and click "Compile Script."

*To access the startup folder in Windows 10, open "Run" (either press Windows Key + R, or search for it in the start menu) and type either (without quotes): "shell:startup" (to run the script for just the current user) or "shell:common startup" (to run it for all users). Paste it in the folder that opens.

To respond @valkirilov's comment under ElectroPulse's answer, I see this post is helpful. Remapping Ctrl-Alt-Arrow in Windows 10 using AutoHotkey

In short, using

!^Right:: send {LWin down}{LCtrl down}{Right}{LWin up}{LCtrl up}
!^Left:: send {LWin down}{LCtrl down}{Left}{LWin up}{LCtrl up}