Will todonotes work inside an align environment?


As mentioned in \marginpar and \begin{align} \marginpar that is used by todonotes doesn't work inside align, but \marginnote from the marginnote package does. Hence, you could redefine a command from todonotes to use marginnote, and it works. Three compilation passes is needed.

code output

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay, baseline=-0.75ex]%
    \node [coordinate] (inText) {};%
\marginnote[{% Draw note in left margin
}]{% Draw note in right margin
a^2&=b^2+c^2 \todo{check this calculation}


If you're using lualatex to compile your documents, then replacing todonotes with luatodonotes is another option.

(Note (for TeX Live 2015 users at least): at the moment there is a problem with luatex.sty, which is loaded by luatodonotes, so a small patch suggested by David Carlisle in chat is required.)

enter image description here

% ---------
% temporarily required
\@namedef{[email protected]}{}
% ----------
a^2&=b^2+c^2 \todo{check this calculation}