Will Android Studio work on Mac with an ARM processor?

Good news !

Edit on May 2021 🎉 🌈

Apple Silicon Support

There is an arm64 version available for Android Studio Arctic Fox (2020.3.1) Canary 15 ... Beta03 You can download it here https://developer.android.com/studio/archive

NDK builds doesn't work

First post

Android Studio 4.1 works, but I'm not able to make Emulator work. Even the ARM image shows me a CPU does not support VT-x

I can confirm, this preview of Emulator works properly https://androidstudio.googleblog.com/2020/12/android-emulator-apple-silicon-preview.html

Since v3 even audio-out works (no audio-in)

Update March 2021

You can simple use one of these and it's working out of the box enter image description here

Intellij (and Google to a lesser extent) has a financial interest in making sure that it does work. Emulation might be slow, but I would be shocked if the IDEs and other tools aren't recompiled to work pretty soon after the release. Edit: Their IDEs already work on ARM-based Chromebooks, which hopefully means there's little work in making it work for ARM Macs

And on the bright side, emulators will probably be faster?

For most programming, the chip "underneath the hood" doesn't matter. It only matters if you're working very low-level.

To support old and new apps, Apple will use Rosetta 2, integrated emulation software, to enable ARM-based Macs to run Intel code

The IntelliJ issue for ARM support

The pull request for ARM support on IntelliJ