Will a long % int will always fit into an int

For most (if not all) arithmetic operations, Java will assume you want the maximum defined precision. Imagine if you did this:

long a = ...;
int b = ...;

long c = a % b + Integer.MAX_VALUE;

If Java automatically down-casted a % b to an int, then the above code would cause an int overflow rather than setting c to a perfectly reasonable long value.

This is the same reason that performing operations with a double and an int will produce a double. It's much safer to up-cast the least-accurate value to a more accurate one. Then if the programmer knows more than the compiler and wants to down-cast, he can do it explicitly.


Also, after thinking more about this, I'm guessing most CPU architectures don't have operations that combine 32-bit and 64-bit values. So the 32-bit value would need to be promoted to a 64-bit value just to use it as an argument to the CPU's mod operation, and the result of that operation would be a 64-bit value natively. A down-cast to an int would add an operation, which has performance implications. Combining that fact with the idea that you might actually want to keep a long value for other operations (as I mention above), it really wouldn't make sense to force the result into an int unless the developer explicitly wants it to be one.

As Marc B alluded to, Java will promote b to a long before actually doing the % operation. This promotion applies to all the arithmetic operations, even << and >> I believe.

In other words, if you have a binary operation and the two arguments don't have the same type, the smaller one will be promoted so that both sides will have the same type.

It is always safe! (Math agrees with me.)

The result of a mod operation is always less than the divisor. Since the result of a mod operation is essentially the remainder after performing integer division, you will never have a remainder larger than the divisor.

I suspect the reason for having the operation return a long is because the divisor gets expanded to a long before the operation takes place. This makes a long result possible. (note even though the variable is expanded in memory, its value will not change. An expanded int will never be larger than an int can hold.)

