wicked_pdf Error: PDF could not be generated

I had wkhtmltopdf-binary already in gemfile, but as this was working on my local computer and not on server, I left this error for the server support team to care off.. they have checked the path to wkhtmltopdf, they tried to convert a simple html to pdf and it worked.. so they tried to run a bundle update command and after this the pdf converting worked fine on server too. I had a gem path changed and I guess this was the problem. I posted my solution in case someone else will have this problem too.

I had the same problem. I had wkhtmltopdf-binary installed and bundle update didn't help neither. Here is what helped me:

The important thing is that I run this on Alpine Linux and it does not seem to be supported by gem wkhtmltopdf_binary_gem https://github.com/zakird/wkhtmltopdf_binary_gem/issues/53

I installed separately wkhtmltopdf into the system: apk add wkhtmltopdf

And then edited the initializer to include the binary path:

# config/initializers/wicked_pdf.rb
require "wicked_pdf"

WickedPdf.config = {
  exe_path: ENV["WKHTMLTOPDF_BIN"]

I had the same problem. The solution was to add wkhtmltopdf-binary to the gem file and run bundle install.

gem "wicked_pdf"
gem "wkhtmltopdf-binary"

For Alpine 3.9+ the wkhtmltopdf binary is available, however I was getting either a blank PDF or "Failed to load document" error - despite working fine locally on MacOSX. It turns out that you need to include fonts explicitly for alpine builds (at least)

Controller action

def show
    respond_to do |format|
      format.html do
        render 'pdfs/templates/my_template.html.erb'

      format.pdf do
          pdf: "file_name",
          template: 'pdfs/templates/my_template.html.erb',
          disposition: 'inline'

The above worked locally on MacOSX machine but on a server based on ruby alpine image, as below, it failed with failed to load document


FROM ruby:2.6.3-alpine3.10
# add wkhtmltopdf for use with wicked_pdf gem
RUN apk --no-cache add wkhtmltopdf

even a more basic example failed with a blank pdf

respond_to do |format|
  format.pdf do
    pdf = WickedPdf.new.pdf_from_string('TESTING 123')
      filename: "file_name.pdf",
      type: 'application/pdf',
      disposition: 'inline'



FROM ruby:2.6.3-alpine3.10
# add wkhtmltopdf for use with wicked_pdf gem
RUN apk --no-cache add \
                  ttf-ubuntu-font-family \

Ideally Alpine would include a basic font with the wkhtmltopdf package, however until such time I found this to be a useful source of info and/or good for adding a mutistage Docker file.



lack of an explicit font package in alpine may also cause PDF conversion using libreoffice to fail too. We found corrupt PDFs when converted from docx files in particular.