Why this bibtex entry give me a 'undefined control sequence'?

The error is related to the _ in your url field. I'd add \usepackage{url} to the document preamble and replace

url = {http://www.cati.sp.gov.br/Cati/_tecnologias/piscicultura/ASP-PISCICULTURA.pdf}


url = {\url{http://www.cati.sp.gov.br/Cati/_tecnologias/piscicultura/ASP-PISCICULTURA.pdf}}

in your .bib file.

My output:

My output

Hope it helps. :)

Edit: As pointed by Legolas in the comments, some bibliography styles already manage url fields nicely, so the \url trick is not needed.

For abntcite, there's a remark in the manual to load hyperref before abntcite, so the url fields will be correctly displayed. It's a matter of adding


and everything will work as expected, without the need of changing the url field in your .bib file.

My new output:

New output

