Why should I use var instead of a type?

When you say "by warnings" what exactly do you mean? I've usually seen it giving a hint that you may want to use var, but nothing as harsh as a warning.

There's no performance difference with var - the code is compiled to the same IL. The potential benefit is in readability - if you've already made the type of the variable crystal clear on the RHS of the assignment (e.g. via a cast or a constructor call), where's the benefit of also having it on the LHS? It's a personal preference though.

If you don't want R# suggesting the use of var, just change the options. One thing about ReSharper: it's very configurable :)

It's really just a coding style. The compiler generates the exact same for both variants.

See also here for the performance question:

  • Will using 'var' affect performance?