Why protobuf is smaller in memory than normal dict+list in python?

"Simple" python objects, such as int or float, need much more memory than their C-counterparts used by protobuf.

Let's take a list of Python integers as example compared to an array of integers, as for example in an array.array (i.e. array.array('i', ...)).

The analysis for array.array is simple: discarding some overhead from the array.arrays-object, only 4 bytes (size of a C-integer) are needed per element.

The situation is completely different for a list of integers:

  • the list holds not the integer-objects themselves but pointers to the objects (8 additional bytes for a 64bit executable)
  • even a small non-zero integer needs at least 28 bytes (see import sys; sys.getsizeof(1) returns 28): 8 bytes are needed for reference counting, 8 bytes to hold a pointer to the integer-function table, 8 bytes are needed for the size of the integer value (Python's integers can be much bigger than 2^32), and at least 4 byte to hold the integer value itself.
  • there is also an overhead for memory management of 4.5 bytes.

This means there is a whopping cost of 40.5 bytes per Python integer compared to the possible 4 bytes (or 8 bytes if we use long long int, i.e. 64bit integers).

A situation is similar for a list with Python floats compared to an array of doubles( i.e. array.array('d',...)), which only needs about 8 bytes per element. But for list we have:

  • the list holds not the float objects themselves but pointers to the objects (8 additional bytes for a 64bit executable)
  • a float object needs 24 bytes (see import sys; sys.getsizeof(1.0) returns 24): 8 bytes are needed for reference counting, 8 bytes to hold a pointer to the float-function table, and 8 bytes to hold the double-value itself.
  • because 24 is a multiple of 8, the overhead for memory management is "only" about 0.5 bytes.

Which means 32.5 bytes for a Python float object vs. 8 byte for a C-double.

protobuf uses internally the same representation of the data as array.array and thus needs much less memory (about 4-5 times less, as you observe). numpy.array is another example for a data type, which holds raw C-values and thus needs much less memory than lists.

If one doesn't need to search in a dictionary, then saving the key-values-pairs in a list will need less memory than in a dictionary, because one doesn't have to maintain a structure for searching (which imposes some memory costs) - this is also another thing that leads to smaller memory footprint of protobuf-data.

To answer your other question: There are no built-in modules which are to Python-dict, what array.array are to Python-list, so I use this opportunity to shamelessly plug-in an advertisement for a library of mine: cykhash.

Sets and maps from cykhash need less than 25% of Python'S-dict/set memory but are about the same fast.