Why $\pi$ // Rationalize does not give a rational multiple of $\pi$ in my example?

I want to show that without hypotheses, the problem of determining whether $x=a/\pi$ came from a rational number is unsolvable. But, spoiler alert, the OP's number 2.47... is probably not a rational multiple of Pi or it is not precise enough to determine whether it is.

First, a floating-point number $x$ comes with an uncertainty $dx$. If $x$ comes from rounding a rational number $y$ to the nearest floating-point number, then we have $$x-dx \le y \le x+dx \,.$$ In Mathematica, $dx$ is given roughly by

dx = x * 10.^-Precision[x]

I say "roughly" because $dx$ will be a power of $2$ and the left and right uncertainties can be asymmetric at the boundaries where the floating-point exponent changes. For instance, if $y$ rounds to $1$ in the current binary64 standard for machine precision (double precision), then we have $1-2^{-54} \le y \le 1+2^{-53}$.

Second, the rational numbers are dense in the real numbers, which means there are infinitely many rational numbers $\tilde y$ such that $$x-dx \le \tilde y \le x+dx \,. \tag{1}$$

The problem is this: Given that we know $x$ (and therefore $dx$), find the rational number $y$ from among the infinitely many $\tilde y$ satisfying (1). It is impossible, since too much information was lost when $y$ was rounded.

A solvable problem is this: Find the rational number $\tilde y$ satisfying (1) with the smallest denominator. This problem is solved in Mathematica by any of these calls:

yy = Rationalize[x, dx]
yy = Rationalize[x, 0]   (* uses the precision of x to determine dx *)
yy = Last@Convergents[x] (* uses the continued fraction expansion of x *)

Example. Let's take a simpler version of the OP's second problem, without the Pi, which is a red herring anyway.

brat = (12343556574747/50000); (* == b/Pi *)
x = N[brat];
dx = x * 10.^-Precision[x];
yy = Rationalize[x, dx]
Rationalize[x, 0]

(*  1048955437722  /  4249  *)

There is no way to infer from x that the original denominator was 50000. It should be clear that yy is not the closest fraction, just the one with the smallest denominator within the uncertainty dx. In fact brat is closer to x than yy. One might think there is still hope to recover brat from x, but there is not.

A continued fraction convergent of x gives the rational number closest to x that has a denominator smaller than the denominator of the next convergent. We will see from the convergents of x that there is always a better choice of a fraction than brat.

Let's look at the number x. It is a fraction of the form $x_0/2^n$, which we can get using SetPrecision:

xx = SetPrecision[x, Infinity]

(*  8283620594510023 / 33554432  <-- x0/2^25 *)

Here are some of the convergents related to our problem. Since we have converted x to an infinite-precision fraction, we get more convergents:

Convergents[xx][[6 ;; 11]]
  {  268348919935  /   1087,
    1048955437722  /   4249,  <-- smallest at mach. prec.
    1317304357657  /   5336,
    2366259795379  /   9585,
   10782343539173  /  43676,  <-- best with denom. < 140612
   34713290412898  / 140613}

So if you knew that the denominator was between, say, 10000 and 100000, the best approximation is not brat, but 10782343539173/43676. What we hoped to recover turns out to be a less than optimal solution. I have no idea how to choose the correct solution from among all the less than optimal ones. I don't think it can be done.

Finally, we can come to a way to solve this problem, assuming $x$ is a good enough approximation of $y$. In general rational numbers are harder to approximate by rational numbers (other than themselves) than irrational numbers. We can use this to determine when a number is probably a rational number. (I am not an expert in this field: I do not know whether there is a way to assign a probability to the result.)

Rationalize[x] solves the problem if the denominator of $y=p/q$ satisfies the criterion given in the docs:

Mathematica graphics

The left-hand side of the inequality is $dx = |y-x|$. The exponent $2$ shows up in various Diophantine approximation theorems. The most elementary is $$\left| {p' \over q'} - {p \over q} \right| \ge {1 \over q'q} \ge {1 \over \mathop{\text{min}}(q',q)^2}\,.$$ From this we can infer on condition x should satisfy: Since the a small error in the denominator of x implies the error in approximating y = p/q is at least around 1/q^2, we should have

Accuracy[x] >= 2 Log10[q]

Then there are Dirichlet's theorem and its generalizations: For an irrational $y$, there are infinitely many coprime integers $p'$ and $q'>0$ such that $$\left| {p' \over q'} - y \right| \le {c \over (q')^2} \,,$$ where the constant $c = 1$ is Dirchlet's theorem. See Diophantine approximation for more.

For a rational number, the error scaled by square of the denominator should be large, except once, when the error is zero. If $x \approx p/q$, then one might expect the scaled error $(q')^2\left| {p' / q'} - x \right|$ will be small only once, provided $x$ is a good enough approximation. (Since we're changing $y$ to $x$, this needs proof, which I haven't done, but it seems to hold computationally.) On the other hand, an irrational number will have several peaks in the scaled error.

Here's a look at some known irrational numbers:

Block[{$MaxExtraPrecision = 500},
 convE = Convergents[E, 100];
 scerrE = (E - convE) Denominator[convE]^2;
 convPi = Convergents[Pi, 100];
 scerrPi = (Pi - convPi) Denominator[convPi]^2;
 conv2 = Convergents[10 Sqrt[2], 100];
 scerr2 = (10 Sqrt[2] - conv2) Denominator[conv2]^2;
 ListLinePlot[RealExponent@{scerrE, scerrPi, scerr2}
  , PlotRange -> All, Frame -> True, 
  PlotLegends -> {E, Pi, 10 Sqrt[2]}]

Here's an approximation of a rational number, similar to the problem in the OP. There's a shallow "peak" in 5th convergent, similar in magnitude to the irrational numbers above. This is followed by deep spike, followed by a large jump. It is so large because it is scaled by q^2, where q is the denominator of the 11th convergent; therefore 1/q will be less than the rounding error in x = N[y], and the jump in scaled error will be greater than Accuracy[x].

x = N[12346/33333 Pi, 30]/Pi;
conv = Convergents[SetPrecision[x, Infinity]];
scerr = (x - conv) Denominator[conv]^2;
 , PlotRange -> All, Frame -> True]

There's a disturbing issue in the behavior of Convergents[x]. It doesn't find the approximation we seek. Apparently we need to increase the precision of x.

Convergents[SetPrecision[x, Infinity]]
  {0, 1/2, 1/3, 3/8, 10/27, 1023/2762, 1033/2789, 2056/5551, 5145/13891}

  {0, 1/2, 1/3, 3/8, 10/27, 1023/2762, 1033/2789, 2056/5551, 5145/13891, 
   ...10 fractions omitted...,

The deep spike is at the desired fraction 12346/33333. This should be typical when $x$ is a good approximation to $y$.

If we put the ideas above together we can write a function findRationalMultiples[x, m] that will return a rational multiple of m in the form {p * m / q}, if x seems to be a rational multiple of m. It returns an empty list {} if x appears not to be a rational multiple of m. It may also return a list of rational multiples, depending on the parameters to PeakDetect[]. If x is a rational multiple of m, then the last element of the list is probably the correct answer; but such cases should be examined carefully.

The call findRationalMultiples[{x, m}, sm, sh, th] passes the smoothing, sharpness, and threshold parameters to PeakDetect[]. The call findRationalMultiples[{x, m}, sm, sh, th, True] returns an Association containing auxiliary data helpful in analyzing rational approximations of x/m.

findRationalMultiples[xm_, smoothing_ : 1, sharpness_ : 5, 
   t_ : Automatic, verbose_ : False] :=
  Module[{x, m, conv, scalederror, data, threshold, res},
   {x, m} = Replace[xm, {y_Real :> {y, 1}}];
   x = x/m;
   res = <||>;
   res["Convergents"] = Convergents[x];
   res["ScaledError"] = Abs@(x - res["Convergents"])*
   data = -RealExponent@res["ScaledError"];
   threshold = 
    t /. {Automatic -> -Max@data/3, Scaled[s_] :> -s*Max@data};
   res["Peaks"] = PeakDetect[data, smoothing, sharpness, threshold];
   res["Answers"] = 
    m*Extract[res["Convergents"], Position[res["Peaks"], 1]];
    res["SmoothData"] = GaussianFilter[data, {3, smoothing}];

Example: A rational multiple of Pi. You need enough digits to make a good approximation, and we set the working precision with SetPrecision a bit higher so that Convergents[] doesn't quit too soon.

digits = 15. + Log10[33000^2];
x = SetPrecision[
   Round[29/33000 Pi, 2^-Ceiling[Log2[10^digits]]],
findRationalMultiples[{x, Pi}]

(*  {(29 π)/33000}  *)

Rationalize fails on this example:


(*  0.000878787878787878787878773416025526...  *)

OP's main question. The function findRationalMultiples fails to find a rational multiple of Pi. We asked for the verbose association, so that we can examine the details.

x = 2.475188114422334324055850325497184848859183731753159368668810119536078273196602710715450734911249987;
frm = findRationalMultiples[{x, Pi}, 1, 5, Automatic, True];

(*  {}  *)

A plot of the scaled error shows several peaks, not just one as we would expect for a rational multiple. Consequently, I think it is likely that the OP's x is not a rational multiple of Pi or x is a bad approximation of the real number it represents.

ListLinePlot[RealExponent@frm["ScaledError"][[;; 88]], PlotRange -> All]

Numerical caveat: As with most, if not all, numerical routines, it is possible to construct pathological examples that fool the routine. For instance, y = Round[Pi, 1/2^b] will have the same initial convergents as Pi until the convergents differ from Pi by around 1/2^b or less. But y is a rational number and findRationalMultiples[{N@y, 1}] works up to b == 27, returns multiple candidates up to b == 36, and returns no solutions for b >= 37.


Well, why not?, the post is already so long.... Here's a slightly different approach to findRationalMultiples using Mathematica's notion of accuracy to perform the role of scalederror. It also returns an association, with slightly different keys and through Reap[findRationalMultiples[{x, m}]]; it uses Sow with the tag findRationalMultiples if you want to use Reap with tags. Generally, because we increase the precision before calling Convergents, we get at least one, and often several, convergents at the end of the Convergents[] list whose error is zero at the scaled accuracy; we drop all but the one with the least denominator.

The Accuracy[] for comparing the difference of each convergent p/q from x is set to -Log10[1/q^2] plus the parameter scale. The default value 4 corresponds roughly to the constant $c$ used in Rationalize[x] (see docs or quote above); however, the behavior here is somewhat different than Rationalize. If x is found by rounding an unpathological rational number, then findRationalMultiples[{x, 1}, s] should find a single good candidate at both smaller and larger scales. (The chances of finding more good candidates increases as the scale s decreases, and vice versa.) At small enough scales, findRationalMultiples[{x, 1}, s] will fail on any x probably. [TBD: Just realized that trim needs some adjustment; sometimes the good candidate is adjacent to the bad candidates, but I have to run. Drats.]

findRationalMultiples::mult = "Multiple good candidates found at scale ``; returning first. Use Reap for more information.";
findRationalMultiples::noans = "No good candidates found at scale ``; returning first convergent with zero error. Use Reap for more information.";
findRationalMultiples[xm_, scale_ : 4] :=
  Module[{x, m, conv, trim, zeros, res},
   {x, m} = Replace[xm, {y_Real :> {y, 1}}];
   x = x/m;
   res = <||>;
   res["Convergents"] = Convergents[SetPrecision[x, Infinity]];
   res["Errors"] = MapThread[SetAccuracy,
     {SetPrecision[x, N@Precision[x]] - res["Convergents"],
      scale + 2 Max[5, -Log10[x], #] & /@ 
   trim = LengthWhile[Reverse@res["Errors"], # == 0 &];
   (* compare first two zeros to be dropped 
      IF the accuracy jump > Precision[x] or Log10[denominator] >= Precision[x] 
      THEN first one is a good candidate, so decrement trim *)
   If[trim > 1 &&
     Accuracy[res["Errors"][[-trim]]] < Accuracy[res["Errors"][[1 - trim]]] - Precision[x],
   zeros = Position[Drop[res["Errors"], 1 - trim], z_ /; z == 0];
   res["Candidates"] = m*Extract[res["Convergents"], zeros];
   res["Answer"] = Replace[res["Candidates"], {a_, ___} :> a];
   Sow[res, findRationalMultiples];
    0 | 1, Message[findRationalMultiples::noans, scale],
    2, Null,
    _, Message[findRationalMultiples::mult, scale]

My example from above has stable results at different scales:

digits = 15. + Log10[33000^2];
x = SetPrecision[
   Round[29/33000 Pi, 2^-Ceiling[Log2[10^digits]]],
findRationalMultiples[{x, Pi}]
findRationalMultiples[{x, Pi}, 2]
findRationalMultiples[{x, Pi}, 8]
(29 π)/33000
(29 π)/33000
(29 π)/33000

Rationalization of the OP's number is unstable with change of scale. The first trial below reproduces one of the other posts' answers, but the instability suggests it's doubtful that x came from rounding.

x = 2.475188114422334324055850325497184848859183731753159368668810119536078273196602710715450734911249987;
findRationalMultiples[{x, Pi}]

(*  (528518980406819854 π)/670814204566564617  *)

findRationalMultiples[{x, Pi}, 2]

findRationalMultiples::mult : Multiple good candidates found at scale 2; returning first. Use Reap for more information. >>

(*  (105618056127 π)/134054016857  *)

findRationalMultiples[{x, Pi}, 8]

findRationalMultiples::noans : No good candidates found at scale 8; returning first convergent with zero error. Use Reap for more information.

(*  (127783177086971763037570942964097163555065759781296 π) /
      162186739686443508647264007143241471430512176744729         *)

b = (12343556574747/50000) \[Pi];

N[b, 20]/Pi // Rationalize[#, 0] &

(* 12343556574747/50000 *)

73196602710715450734911249987/Pi), #] & /@ (10^Range[-10, -5])

(* {86111/109295, 24592/31213, 12257/15557, 11711/14864, 8123/10310, \
26/33} *)

Expansion into a continuous fraction can be used.

In your example

a = 2.4751881144223343240558503254971848488591837317531593686688101195\


There is a large element 24388. Dropping all elements starting with it gives

b = FromContinuedFraction@{0, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 472, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1,
    1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 243, 1, 2, 6, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 

$$ \frac{528518980406819854}{670814204566564617} $$ with error

a/\[Pi] - b///N

$$\text{9.11146$\grave{ }$*${}^{\wedge}$-41}$$

If all digits in your number are correct it is not a rational number with a small denominatior. If only 40 digits or so are true then b looks like the best candidate. But if only a few digits are true one can take segments up to the previous relatively large numbers, say

FromContinuedFraction@{0, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2}
