Why not use HTTPS for everything?

I can think of a couple reasons.

  • Some browsers may not support SSL.
  • SSL may decrease performance somewhat. If users are downloading large, public files, there may be a system burden to encrypt these each time.

In addition to the other reasons (especially performance related) you can only host a single domain per IP address* when using HTTPS.

A single server can support multiple domains in HTTP because the Server HTTP header lets the server know which domain to respond with.

With HTTPS, the server must offer its certificate to the client during the initial TLS handshake (which is before HTTP starts). This means that the Server header hasn't been sent yet so there is no way for the server to know which domain is being requested and which certificate (www.foo.com, or www.bar.com) to respond with.

*Footnote: Technically, you can host multiple domains if you host them on different ports, but that is generally not an option. You can also host multiple domains if your SSL certificate is has a wild-card. For example, you could host both foo.example.com and bar.example.com with the certificate * .example.com

Why not send every snail-mail post in a tamper-proof opaque envelope by Registered Mail? Someone from the Post Office would always have personal custody of it, so you could be pretty sure that no one is snooping on your mail. Obviously, the answer is that while some mail is worth the expense, most mail isn't. I don't care if anyone reads my "Glad you got out of jail!" postcard to Uncle Joe.

Encryption isn't free, and it doesn't always help.

If a session (such as shopping, banking, etc.) is going to wind up using HTTPS, there's no good reason not to make the whole session HTTPS as early as possible.

My opinion is that HTTPS should be used only when unavoidably necessary, either because the request or the response needs to be safeguarded from intermediate snooping. As an example, go look at the Yahoo! homepage. Even though you're logged in, most of your interaction will be over HTTP. You authenticate over HTTPS and get cookies that prove your identity, so you don't need HTTPS to read news stories.

SSL/TLS isn't used nearly often enough. HTTPS must be used for the entire session, at no point can a Session ID be sent over HTTP. If you are only useing https for logging in then you are in clear violation of The OWASP top 10 for 2010 "A3: Broken Authentication and Session Management".


