Why Java does not see that Integers are equal?

If they were simple int types, it would work.

For Integer use .intValue() or compareTo(Object other) or equals(Object other) in your comparison.

Check out this article: Boxed values and equality

When comparing wrapper types such as Integers, Longs or Booleans using == or !=, you're comparing them as references, not as values.

If two variables point at different objects, they will not == each other, even if the objects represent the same value.

Example: Comparing different Integer objects using == and !=.

Integer i = new Integer(10);
Integer j = new Integer(10);
System.out.println(i == j); // false
System.out.println(i != j); // true

The solution is to compare the values using .equals()

Example: Compare objects using .equals(…)

Integer i = new Integer(10);
Integer j = new Integer(10);
System.out.println(i.equals(j)); // true

…or to unbox the operands explicitly.

Example: Force unboxing by casting:

Integer i = new Integer(10);
Integer j = new Integer(10);
System.out.println((int) i == (int) j); // true

References / further reading

  • Java: Boxed values and equality
  • Java: Primitives vs Objects and References
  • Java: Wrapper Types
  • Java: Autoboxing and unboxing